Greetings all! Are you having a great day? I sure am, I have done a little bit of shopping, bought some make up and am chilling catching up to the latest episode of The Originals. Now as always, I tend to go a little bit off tangent, but the reason I am writing this post, is to celebrate Look What I Got's 4th birthday! 

Yeah that is right, I have been officially been blogging for 4 years! I am more surprised than anyone. I have never been the one to take on a hobby, longer than a couple of months, let alone years. So as I reflect on my tenacity, I can think of the only reason as to why I have kept on with LWIG is because of the freedom it gave me. Freedom you may ask? Yes, back in mid 2010, I can honestly say I was quite frustrated. I was at University, doing what I was "supposed to do".  Second year was vastly different from 1st year. I had moved home, was  travelling to  Uni each day.  It was  a mission for only 6 hours a week! I would barley listen to my dry marketing lectures, and then I would go home. I was frustrated, annoyed and I felt lost. I had always been a creative creature and spending most of my days with someone talking at me, about stuff I didn't care about, made me yearn for something more! 

So in order to quench my creative thirst, I went back to my love of fashion, and I found a way back to this via blogs. I would read them everyday, getting style inspiration, learning make up tricks and most importantly learning about the lives of people around the globe. It was soon after, that I realised that this was the way to get a voice and showcase what I love and connect with people. So in February 2011, in pure naiveity LWIG was born. 

As I blogged, I felt free, I felt happy and through this, opportunities started pouring in. Now I didn't blog for the freebies, the exclusive events or the other perks. I blog and continue to blog, because when ever I feel scared, confused or alone; blogging is a way I can express myself, without feeling ridiculed. It is my therapy and I am so happy that you guys have been with me over these last 4 years. I can't tell you how much I have learnt and developed from blogging. If it wasn't for blogging, I do not think I would have the confidence to go against the staus quo and try something different. It has made me appreciate myself, believe in myself and encourage others to do so too through vast different ways such as through FBL Bloggers.

I honestly do not know what I would do without my blog. Recently, I have had a lot of personal changes happen in my life, which has made me reflect on what I truly want. I was scared before, but eventually, I would like to take my blog further and go full time as a blogger. I don't know when I will do it, but that is the ultimate plan. It will be scary and challenging, but I think with everything that is happening in my life, it makes sense. I just want to be happier, and this makes me happy. 2014 was a little bit difficult at times for me! But I learnt that I need to go for my dreams, and I am going to do that.. one step at a time. So all I can say is thank you for being on this journey with me.


  1. Congratulations on reaching such an amazing milestone with your blog. Here's to the next 4 years! xxx

  2. Congratulations lovely that's an awesome achievement and glad to hear the reasons behind starting up the blog, I am stuck in a rut with uni at the moment actually and blogging is a great outlet xx

    Blonde Of Carbs

  3. Congrats on 4 years of blogging. So amazing to hear you have achieved so much. I hope you conquor all your dreams x

    Beauty with charm

  4. Congrats on 4 years! That's a pretty long time! :) You should definitely continue, I really like your blog! x Frederique -

  5. Congratulations on your blog being four years old, that's awesome! And you've also reminded me that I need to catch up with The Originals aha!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

  6. Happy blog birthday! I love that blogging gives you freedom and creativity. Never give up on that. Xx

    Sarah |

  7. Happy 4th birthday to your blog! Really loved reading how you started with your blog. My blog will be 1 year old soon and I'm still feeling like such a fresher LOL


  8. wow, 4 years! My blog just turned 1 haha!



  9. Four days belatedly, Happy 4th Blog Anniversary! I hope your fifth year blogging is a fashion-tastic one! You look fabulous in that striped dress, hat, and statement daisy necklace.

  10. Happy 4th blog birthday! That's incredible, I hope I get to 4 years at some point. I'm coming up to 2 and to be honest I can't believe that- it's gone so quickly! XX

  11. Wow four years is really amazing! Well done Jess <3 Gisforgingers xx


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