Blogger babes and dudes, this last month has been absolutely epic. I have been working on a lot of fun things in my personal and professional life. So it is not unusual for me to say that I have been busy.. my God that seems to be my theme tune. One of the things that has happened to me in the last month, is that I passed my driving test. Now, I was super happy as it was not the first time, it was my fourth time. Believe it or not, it  took me 5 years, on and off and cost me thousands to learn to drive and get my pink license. You maybe thinking, woah Jess that is a really, really long time! But, if you read my last post on about when  I failed my third test, it will give you insight into my thoughts about failing.

So where do I start with this whole driving thing? So when I was 17, I was never really interested in driving. When everyone was booking their first driving lessons, all I wanted was a camera for my birthday. I had absolutely no desire to drive, it was kinda forced onto us, that it is something I needed to do. Nonetheless, I got my provisional license, as a form of I.D mainly for going out, lol. It wasn't until I was 18 in the summer of 2009, that I finally passed my first theory test with ease. I had the intention of doing lessons, but I still didn't really care to do them. I mean, I lived in London where public transport is easy, all my friends drove, and would take me where I needed to go, so where was the rush?

The rush came when I realized that I only had 2 years to pass my test due to my theory test running out! So on the 1st of June 2010, at the age of 19, and after finishing my first year of uni, I booked my lessons with an independent instructor who was advertised at my uni. He was cheaper than schools, had a good record and was a high level instructor so I knew he what he was doing. In a nutshell, I was with him for about a year. I wasn't learning anything really, he wouldn't monitor my driving, even when I asked him to and there was no structure to the lessons. I never did extra learning as in watch videos and books, thinking going driving every week was enough. In general, his way of teaching was pretty shitty and he was a little rude. So eventually, I said bye to my crap,first driving instructor and embarked on a new instructor.

This time, I embarked on a female instructor, as my last instructor was really rude so I thought having a fellow female would be less intimidating. Now I learnt a little more with her, but I just didn't click with her, and she was a bit condescending tbh. I can honestly say, that when I was with her I hated driving. It knocked my confidence, as I wasn't getting it through her teaching style. By this time, I realized that my theory test was running out and I had to do it again in 2011. I passed with ease, but was frustrated with wasting money. I finally left this driving instructor, after going driving with my sister on a practice lesson. Let's just say the lesson was awful, my older sister swiftly told my driving instructor where to go, and my instructor told her that I was a slow learner, and didn't think I was making progress. To which, pissed my sister off, as when she taught me I learnt quickly and I was a quick learner in general. This teacher was just taking my money, knowing that her teaching style wasn't clicking with me. As I hated driving, I just couldn't bring myself to do homework as in read or watch videos, I just wanted to get it over and done with.

By 2012, I took a break and finally decided to go with a school, AA. My new instructor was miles better, I was making progress and finally went on a test. I knew I wasn't ready, but I felt more confident and for the first time ever, I wanted to drive and was making an effort to pass by doing extra work. On my first test I failed, with like 13 minors and 2 serious, for observation. I took another test the same year, and then took a year break to focus on my final year of University. 

Now, on the 4th July 2013, I failed my third test with 3 minors and 2 serious for observation. I will never forget what the examiner said to me "Jessica, you are a strong driver and would've passed if you hadn't made those silly mistakes". With high emotion, stress and and an ever reducing bank balance, I was livid with myself. As soon, as I got home, I let rip.. I saw red, I threw things around in my house,screamed,cried, I was ANGRY. I have never been that angry before, and I am a chill person. Now, before you think I was over reacting, I will tell you why I acted like this. I had only been driving again, after a year break to focus on my degree, finding a job after uni was difficult as I had a lot of experience, and I had to do my theory test AGAIN. In general, I felt stressed and defeated, and was emotionally drained by everything. This failure added to my stress and I jut wanted to crawl into a ball.

Nonetheless, the hunger to pass was greater than ever. I took my theory test and passed for the third time. Then took another year break and stated driving again at the end of 2014 with a new instructor, with LDC. My goodness, my driving had improved with this new instructor, there was structure and I was making progress. Now my mindset had changed, I was a driver! I just had to show the driving examiners this. I started watching videos, and reading ever now and again. I would think about driving, breathe driving, and believe I would pass on my fourth time. So I booked my test for the end of May 2015.Unfortunately, I had to move instructors as my instructor was going on a course. Frustrating as that was, it gave me time to post pone my test, to June. Even though I was confident, there were still areas I wanted to work on. So I watched videos, videos and videos and did some private practice.

My final instructor came from BSM and it was my instructor Hadley, who pushed me hard. He was a perfectionist yes, but the standard of driving he taught was great! I booked my test on  the 15th June with the mindest of passing. As I said in my 2014 reflection post I believed in myself, I understood the roads better. After nearly 5 years of learning to drive on and off, it was time for me to get my license. I would not hear the words, "I am sorry you failed". Failure did not exist this time. It didn't, I passed on my 4th time with 9 minors. It was the good drive, I thought I had failed in a section, but overall I felt a sense of calm. Something about this time was different, I couldn't see myself failing. I can happily say I have my license and everything just clicks :)

The reason I wrote this post, was because I wanted to be a source of inspiration for people  who are struggling with driving. As much as driving is about your ability to learn a new skill, it is also about your mindset. If you want to drive, if you believe you can do it, you will. My mindset was clear leading up to when I would pass. I believed I was a driver, I focused, I was positive, and I did it and you can do it too.

Here are a few resources which helped me:




Good luck :)


  1. WOOO well done my love! It's such a good feeling when you pass :)

    Sophie x

  2. Congrats Love!

    I only passed my test 4 weeks ago as well and I totally get it, just like you I never really had an interest in driving ( I love a good old relaxing walk) My instructor was a nag but in hindsight her perfectionism made me pass with 5 minors ( I was so obsessed with my mirrors lol)

    You summed it up perfectly, once you see yourself succeeding you can't see yourself failing! It's so so true!

    Anne x

  3. Thank you for this post Jess. Congratulations on passing!
    I failed my first test this time last month and it really deflated my confidence as I've put off driving so many years (I didn't want to learn at 17 either) and had finally pushed myself to do it. I haven't plucked up the courage to book another test but I will now as I really want to pass x

  4. Congrats Jess! I'm in a similar situation as you. Never felt the need to drive until this year. All of a sudden I'm desperate to learn! I'm 75% of the way through my lessons and I've already booked my test lol.
    I never thought to check out driving videos on youtube but will definitely do this to pick up some tips.
    P.S. I had some horrendous instructors too and ended up settling on learning with a female instructor and a driving school. Really hope I can pass asap!

    Damzel In This Dress

  5. ugh I haven't even signed up for classes or anything yet I really don't want to drive but at the same time know I'm going to have to do it at some point plus It's so expensive to pay for classes and everything but congrats on finally getting it I bet you feel so relieved

    1. I'm at but I think you've already seen my blog before

  6. Well done one passing Jess! I also passed last December, it was my first test and it took me a little over a year learning with an instructor and my mum. This was my second attempt as I did have some lessons with my mum a few years before to learn gears but I was too ill to carry on. I was so so lucky because I had a fantastic instructor, a family friend who has a pass rate of around 90%. I've seen so many friends in the same kind of situation as you with shitty instructors who only want to take your money. - one friend told me that her instructor would have personal calls in the lesson!
    Anyway well done for sticking at it!
    Emma Xx

  7. Nice site. Its very helpful for the beginners to learn driving lessons. Thanks for these information. I have found an another site which provides me good information on driving lesson, you can check it at

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